Here's My Bucket List -
1. Learn to meditate
2. Earn money, lots of money
4. Open an Animal Farm
5. Age gracefully
6. Work till I am 80, if I live to be 80 or till my last few days on this planet
7. Be mobile and self-reliant till my last breath
8. Renovate my homes – both – in the City and the Valley
9. Travel – well and widely
10. Learn to skydive
11. Learn at least two languages
12. Live for sizeable length of time in other cultures
13. Write, prolifically
14. Get awards for my writing
15. Get Famous
16. Read, voraciously
17. Get into the list of 100 most influentially inspiring people on earth
18. Return to Riding
19. Play a sport or two
20. Increase my IQ
21. Study, all through life
22. Lose Weight, once and for all and keep at it
23. Master a hobby, like photography
24. Smile, a lot
25. Think, even more, before acting
26. Practise being wise always
27. Make a difference to both my inner and outer circles and hopefully to all the concentric ones thereafter
28. Be the best companion that I can be
29. Master the craft of Gardening; grow flowers and vegetables
30. Give a sincere part of me to those around
31. Read at least one book every month
32. Save energy – water, electricity,
33. Save mental energy from rampant wastefulness
34. Reduce, reuse, recycle
35. Become somewhat carefree and let my spirit soar with the birds at least once a day
36. Worry about my actions, Worry less about other’s reactions
37. Reflect on how I have led my life so far and learn from the gaps
38. Put a thought out, often, to how I wish to spend my waking moments henceforth
39. Be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey
40. Try not to relax the grip on my passions
41. Work hard towards my goals, every single day
42. Realize that the day – in its life - gives us the gift of 24 hours to do something worthwhile in
43. Be grateful to God each day for giving me the gift of health, happiness, family, friends and above all hope.
44. Fight off my phobia of water
45. Aspire to be a philanthropist
46. Day dream
47. Spend the day such – in body, spirit and mind – that there are no nightmares
48. Help the elderly, influence the young at every given opportunity
49. Learn to be happy even when sad and temporarily bereft
50. Learn to play at least one instrument in this lifetime
51. While destiny plays out its cards, be camera- ready with all my plans painstakingly written out, typeset and spiral-bound.