Thursday, March 26, 2015


May you wake up to possibilities
May hope be your bedfellow as you turn in each night

May you greet all seasons with as much enthusiasm and optimism
Seeing the beauty in their uniqueness through the window of your soul

May you be as enamoured by the colours of the rainbow
As the stark, monochromatic impressions of black and white

May flowers give you company
And thorns teach you everlasting lessons

May happiness rest in your heart
And pain find a temporary abode in your mind
Leaving behind fruits of wisdom and compassion while departing

May the family bring you contentment
And solitude enchantment, nudging you to get closer to yourself

May you travel wide and far through the world
Rejoicing in the richly different shades of cultures that abound

May you take a deep journey through your own consciousness and the subconscious
Mining the pearls that are locked in the shells of your conscience

May you laugh wholeheartedly at the silliest of jokes
And cry copiously at the smallest of hurt you see inflicted on others

May you aim for the sky
But remain grounded in humility

May you engage in profound dialogue with the greatest minds
Yet tumble in sand with the smallest child

May you be loaded with wishes of greatness, goodness and the fine pleasures of life
The greed for stuff, the desires and wants may never weigh you down

May you extend your hand in help to man and animal
May you repay your gratitude to nature and environment

May you stay close to God
Yet never be defeated by the smallness of religiosity.

Picture Courtesy - 

Top Picture  - Elizabeth Halt
Bottom Picture - Google Images