Saturday, May 12, 2018

No Blinkers please!

One of the cruelest punishments you can give anyone - man and beast alike - is put blinkers on them. You take away their freedom to see the world. You capture their spirit in the narrow confines of their body. You imprison their mind within the walls of their head, making the unpleasant thoughts bounce off those walls, again and again. You attempt to shackle their soul. You suffocate them, taking away their right to inhale and exhale normally; as putting blinkers is also quite stifling. You steal the vastness of their vision constricting it in an abysmally dark, narrow passage. You take away the spark and the shine from their sight, blinding them with your callousness and narrowmindedness. You snuff the vibrancy from their life, forcing it to become bleak and bereft of hope. You close the very being of the individual, forcing your diktat, trampling upon all that the individual wishes to stand for. Do not ever put blinkers on anyone - be it a child, a companion, a hapless animal, a protégé, a team member, a fellow human!

Not even on your own self!!!

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