Friday, May 04, 2018

Why are we so insensitive and loathsome!!!

On our way back from Dehradun we did the mandatory thing. We halted at the 'only' clean and prettily maintained Pitstop on the NH - the Cheetal Grand.

Two things struck a negative chord.

First, our utter disregard and disrespect for most things around us.

With clean Restaurant, parking lot and restrooms, well appointed potted gardens and trained staff, Cheetal Grand brings a lot of relief and recourse to an Indian road traveller. Imagine the huge amount of tension it helps release for women travellers with their spic and span, spotlessly clean loos!

Last year, the Lady attendant and I had the misfortune to meet yet another ugly Indian. The young lady, with not a strand of highlighted, straightened hair out of place, stepped out of the cubicle to preen at her painted face. But she left an ugly picture of her behind with piddled floor, soiled seat and an unflushed toilet.

The exasperated Bathroom attendant pointed it out to her as she moved in with a mop in her hand and frown on her face. The errant woman, looked back blankly, shrugged and left the bathroom; leaving me grossly embarrassed for her.

This time, in addition to what we do inside, I found to my utter disgust crumpled tissues thrown right outside the bathrooms, dotting the path back to the parking and also strewn in the flower beds lining the pathway.

It was a pitiably sore sight, and I found it completely inexplicable other than for our collective nonchalance and indifference.

I pointed the mess out to the Attendant, by way of an apology on behalf of people like me, only to have her apologize to me in return. She said, "Don't worry Madam, we'll just clean it." Such is the training imparted to them by the owners of Cheetal Grand. I felt a lot more sorry and apologetic.

The second incident also revolved around a young, fashionable, apparently wealthy girl. She was driven to Cheetal Grand in a chauffeur driven, high-end Innova, I noticed.

The young woman ordered a large platter of Cheetal Grand's famous grilled cheese sandwiches that come accompanied with a generous helping of fries. Her companion, meanwhile, relished an order of Masala Dosa.

The woman chatted up her partner, fiddled with her phone, looked about her, waved to the owner and nibbled on her wiches and fries.

After a while, as we sipped on our Masala Chai, I saw the woman get up and go, leaving behind two-thirds of grub left untouched. The Waiter came to collect the dirty dishes, paused for a telling second or two over the unfinished plate, before taking it away resignedly.

I wonder what went through his head in those seconds. Was he debating whether to resurrect all that good food or to let it die a premature death in a bin, I don't know but he seemed to be pondering exactly what was going on in me.

I had a good mind to stop the Girl and ask her to doggie bag it but expecting a heated debate that may have most certainly followed, I let it pass; hoping against hope that the food was not trashed.

Here's what I would have done in her place -

1. Ordered far less quantity.

2. Shared a platter with the Companion if I was less hungry.

3. Asked for a doggie bag to take it away with me and consumed the food later, if sharing was not on my mind.

4. But mostly, got the clean portion bagged to be given away to a needy person.

It would have hardly taken much time and effort.

Why was the lady so callous, uncaring, disrespectful of food and money, thoughtless of others and so devalued?

I came away disgruntled and disappointed with people like us. I am completely disenchanted with our rampant mindlessness and heartlessness!

Picture courtesy - Google Images!

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