Thursday, October 26, 2017

L'Affaire with Tomatoes, the sun-kissed ones!

Ever since I was a toddler and Ma would feed me half a chapati with raw tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper, my love affair with the red, plum fruit started.

You can serve me tomatoes in any form - sliced raw and paired with mozzarella in Caprese Salad, stuffed tomatoes with a filling of cheese or potatoes or Paneer or just a heavenly plate of grilled tomatoes, I find them all decadent and divine.

And now, I have developed a strong fondness for the Sun-dried ones. Though we have local produce available too and we have tried making them at home but the bottled, lush beauties imported from Italy are the best.

First God planted tomatoes in our heart's garden. Then he started our love affair with sun-dried tomatoes.

Addicted to Sun-kissed tomatoes!

Picture courtesy - Google Images

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