Sunday, October 01, 2017

My Animal Kingdom!

There are two distinct things that occupy special places in my heart - Animals and Nature.

From the very early years of my life, I noticed that I had an inherent leaning towards animals and birds of all kinds. 

It helped to have an elder brother, older to me by a few years, in Raju, the Parrot sibling. And then for a younger brother I had Whitey, our White Alsatian, who was six months younger to me.

Having had the privilege of frolicking and playing in my Mother's well-kept and beautifully created, award-winning gardens, I have always loved to be amidst trees and shrubs and flowers of different shapes and hues.

So, here's combining both my loves and trying to create their magic in the Patio Garden of Ibaadat.

Even in their ceramic forms my Animal Kingdom looks beauteous and heavenly!

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