Thursday, November 30, 2017

Men at Work!

Come Autumn and we decided to infuse some fresh energy into the gardens at Ibaadat!

It began with the simple task of adhering to my half-yearly ritual of putting manures in my potted and on-the-ground plants.

But then, I found a clutch of my plants talking to me. Many of them had become big boys now and were outgrowing their potted homes. From Money plants and Philodendrons to Monsteras and Sansevierias - they all were asking for a bigger space to live in. So we went on a pots-buying and re-potting spree.

Then we thought of getting the pots a new coat of Ibaadat's Santorinian Blue. 

After a week of potting, repotting, typing up or down, scrubbing, cleaning, painting, putting new moss sticks - we have a refreshed garden space that promises to bring us much joy and satisfaction for a few seasons to come.

Now, these are the kind of makeovers I love!!!

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